Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hello people, I know I have gone AWOL for some time now on this blog, I won’t say I have been busy because that is not really the reason why I have not updated this blog, it’s just sheer laziness on my part. There have been times when I had wanted to put up a post and would end up abandoning it midway promising myself that I will come back to complete it but often ended up not completing it at the end of the day.  LOL. 

Now,  some time ago somebody sent me a mail asking why I chose to remain anonymous on this blog.  According to her, other bloggers who blog about personal relationships and everyday life are well known to their readers so she see no reason why I chose to remain anonymous.  Well the truth is that I decided to remain anonymous because, the stories that I write here are true life stories of people around me, friends relations, colleagues and happenings around me, although I may not use real names for obvious reasons but the stories are quite real. I tell these stories to help those who may be in similar situations and at the same time protecting those whose stories I tell. I remember the day a friend of mine told me how he came across my blog. He came to my office that day and was telling me about how he read a story that was quite similar to what was happening to one of our friends, and when I asked him where he saw the story he mentioned my blog. I had to open up to him and told him that it was my blog.   

Anyway, today we are going to be talking about the control freak. Often times I wonder how people stay in abusive relationships. Back then I had a friend whom I used to call Officer in charge. I call him this name because of his domineering attitude of always wanting to call the shots with everyone around him, whether with his friends or girlfriends he always wanted to be in control. He had this compulsive attitude of wanting to control his surrounding and people around him. Although for reasons unknown to me I found out that he respected me to a great extent and didn’t carry this attitude towards me but then our mutual friends used to complain that he likes bossing them around and of course they were not comfortable with his friendship. He was always going in and out of relationships as he could hardly keep a girl because of his overbearing attitude. While it is human nature to feel a need to control our surroundings and to some degree the people we have relationship with, however, it is that need to control that sometimes becomes the destructive factor in our relationships. Anytime I see women in abusive relationship, I always remember this friend of mine because he is a epitome of an abusive partner. I ended up being his only friend because a lot of people could not tolerate his attitude.

I have always advocated for long period of courtship before venturing into marriage. A long period of courtship tends to bring out the real person you are dating because no matter how they try to hide their real nature it will still show itself somehow. Not that been in love is a bad thing  altogether, however it does make one temporarily insane such that our starry eye affection can make us willfully close our eyes to warning signals and you find yourself even making excuses for his shortcomings (Note that an abusive partner can be male or female). There are a lot of tell tales signs that would show you that somebody is an abusive partner and one of them is the control freak. Abuse is about the need to control, a need gone crazy. Relationships and friendship are not built on who is in control but rather are built on mutual interaction based on the principle of give and take and always seeking a balance or compromise. So when we see these signs that are so glaring sometimes we should not overlook them with the hope of things go better….when we ignore these signs and go ahead with that marriage at the end of the day we start talking about getting divorced and as far as my bible tells me, God is against divorce. So the bottom line here is that we should look before we leap. 

Here are some tips that would guard you towards knowing that your partner would turn out abusive someday.
1.    It is always about him/her and never about you. They would always want you to change your plans to suit theirs and don’t care what you make out of it. He loves watching CNN or Super sports, while you love watching Africa magic…so when you are together its either you watch CNN or don’t watch TV at all. 

2.      They always have trust issues. Always wanting to know where you are anytime you are not with him/her…..or who are with, and what you have been doing. Sneaking behind your back to check your phone and maybe email and monitors your every movement.

3.      Excessively jealous and possessive. Gets angry when you talk to members of the opposite sex. Its even worst when you have them as friends. S/he would want to question you in details about your relationship that person. They disbelieve you when you say that somebody is just a friend or a colleague at work. Even greeting people on the street becomes an offense …..yes it can be that bad.

4.      Highly temperamental. Gets angry over non issues. Yells at the slightest provocation and experiences temper outburst when in disagreement with him/her. There's every likelihood that this person may develop and become a violent person in future. Or maybe S/he already is, but just trying to suppress that aspect  ……my advise is run before its too late.

5.      Often Experiences mood swing, may decide not to talk to you for some days and this may be due to work stress or something unconnected to you which now builds into anger and resentment that is taken out on you like you are the cause of his/her problem.

6.      They never take no for an answer. Always wanting it their way, like you don’t have a choice 

7.      They do not have respect for you, your friends, or family members. Yell at you and call you names in public. 

8.      Often manipulative getting you to do things that you will not ordinarily do. They isolate you from others. They have this feeling of self worth which is tied to how well they can get you to do their whims and caprice.  They may use information which you have given to them about your past to play mind games with you. Be careful with these kind of people they may be emotional abusers.

9.      Repeated offense and apologies is one of their trade mark. They may repeatedly offend you and do things that are unacceptable to you but often comes back begging for your forgiveness with promises to change and lavishing you with lots of gifts and apologies. However, the bad behavior soon comes back, that is to tell you he will never change.

10.   They often try to underplay or override your decisions, expressions or your feelings making it look like its not important, since its all about them.

So dear friends when you see these signs in your relationship, you don’t need anybody to tell you that this person may cause you substantial emotional/physical pain or injury or abuse in future that may lead to death. So let us think well and be careful before we say I do. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Have a great weekend. Cheers.